
Sanctioned by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro on May 19, the line created under the National Program to Support Micro and Small Businesses (Pronampe) received a contribution from the National Treasury in the amount of R$ 15.9 billion, which will be available to financial institutions. The government will guarantee 100% of each transaction up to the portfolio limit of 85%.

This credit will provide support to more than 4.5 million micro and small businesses that need working capital. Companies with gross revenue of up to R$ 4.8 million will have access to this line. The amount released in the credit will correspond to up to 30% of the company's annual gross revenue calculated based on fiscal year 2019.

To facilitate this calculation by bank agents and businessmen, the Internal Revenue Service is sending a notice to all companies informing which credit limit they can request in this line. The maximum annual interest rate will be equal to the Selic, plus 1,25% on the amount granted, with a 36-month term for payment and an 8-month grace period.

Credit operations may be used for investments and working capital isolated or associated with the investment. This means that micro and small companies will be able to use the resources obtained to make investments (acquire machinery and equipment, carry out renovations) and/or for operating expenses (employees' salaries, payment of bills such as water, electricity, rent, purchase of raw materials , merchandise, among others). The use of resources for the distribution of profits and dividends among the business partners is prohibited.

This type of credit line and the Guarantor Fund were claims by ABES and were included in the Action Plan sent and negotiated with the Federal Government. The association believes that measures are important to build a Healthier, More Digital and Less Unequal Brazil and to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. “More than 70% of our entity's associates are MSEs. Therefore, the economic and operational measures of Pronampe are essential for the money to reach the entrepreneur. Caixa Econômica Federal has already started offering loans in this modality and other large banks have announced that they will join. Let's follow up to see if the positive perspectives materialize”, highlighted Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES.

Sources: Federal Government and Sebrae

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