
Smart Cities Brasil accompanies and guides public managers in decision making


Offering quality services, maintaining transparency and the effective participation of the population are some of the challenges faced by the public administration. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions are already part of the process of building cities to make them smart, sustainable and innovative. But it is necessary to know how to use these resources in an assertive manner.
In the quest to improve performance and productivity, companies and organizations use consultancy services, with trained and experienced professionals, who assist in decision making and hiring the best partners. The Smart Cities Institute (ICI), the Brazilian Quality and Productivity Institute (IBQP) and iCities - Smart Cities Solutions have joined together and developed the Smart Cities Brasil program, a smart cities consultancy, which offers municipalities a complete and modern management improvement.
The program includes different areas of action: citizen service, health, education, security, energy and environmental sustainability, governance, impact entrepreneurship, ICT infrastructure and urban mobility. During the implementation process, city halls undergo a diagnosis, which analyzes the main deficiencies and failures of the administration. From there, a report is made with information and practical recommendations for the construction of an ICT plan, according to the needs of each municipality. “We came in as a support for public managers. We try to help solve problems in a simple way, without bureaucracy ”, explains ICI market advisor, Amilto Francisquevis.
And the population is the biggest beneficiary of the changes. “The first difference noticed after consulting work is in the quality of services provided to the citizen”, comments the co-founder of iCities, André Telles. “We use international market practices and we have professionals with extensive knowledge in public management and smart cities”, he concludes.
More information about the consultancy program can be found at 


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