
Through the recently launched PositivoSEG business unit, the Brazilian technology company acquires one of the largest distributors of automation and electronic security products in São Paulo and Pernambuco, SecuriCenter. The operation will allow Positivo Tecnologia to disintermediate part of the chain and offer directly to the B2B market solutions from PositivoSEG and from another business line of the Company based on IoT: Positivo Smart Home.

Positivo Tecnologia has just announced the acquisition of SecuriCenter, a company with more than 25 years of experience in the distribution of equipment and technology solutions aimed at the automation and electronic security market. SecuriCenter is one of the largest distributors of this type of technological solutions in São Paulo (SP) and Recife (PE), cities where it serves large and medium-sized integrators, as well as installers. It has a portfolio of more than 2,100 items classified into eight categories and offered to 13,000 customers. In 2022, SecuriCenter recorded gross revenue of approximately R$97 million and grew by around 40% per year between 2019 and 2022.

The acquisition is announced two weeks after the launch of PositivoSEG, the automation and electronic security business unit focused on the B2B market. With the purchase of SecuriCenter, Positivo Tecnologia starts to disintermediate part of the chain by working closer to resellers and automation and electronic security integrators, by boosting the distribution of both PositivoSEG products (“Do it for Me” concept) and of the Positivo Smart Home line (“Do it Yourself” concept). The latter, launched in 2019, is Positivo Tecnologia's platform with solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for connected environments.

Credit: Positive website

“The acquisition of SecuriCenter comes at an excellent moment for our Company, which has just launched another line of business focused on automation and electronic security for companies, schools, condominiums and homes”, says Helio Bruck Rotenberg, president of Positivo Tecnologia . “The movement will help us to make PositivoSEG products reach the main resellers to support them in meeting the demand of this segment”, he adds. 

booming business 

According to the Panorama do Mercado survey, published in 2022 by ABESE (Brazilian Association of Electronic Security Systems Companies), the automation and electronic security market in Brazil grows, on average, 15% per year and moves around R$ 11 billion.

The completion of the acquisition of the distributor SecuriCenter is subject to the fulfillment of obligations and precedent conditions usual in this type of operation. Among them is the submission for evaluation by CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense), which should inform the opinion still in 2023.

The value of the transaction is already included in the estimated initial investments of R$40 million, the same as announced on June 13, 2023, when PositivoSEG was launched. This amount also includes investments for structuring the new automation and electronic security business unit, in addition to working capital and production, mainly. The amount referring to the transaction will be partially disbursed upon completion of the transaction, with the remainder paid over the next five years.

The acquisition of SecuriCenter accelerates Positivo Tecnologia's entry into the automation and electronic security segment, in addition to reinforcing its intention to consolidate itself as a relevant competitor in this market. “The movement is an important step forward in the journey started with the launch of PositivoSEG. It leverages our Growth Avenues, due to greater business diversification and strengthens our presence in the B2B segment, which is fully in line with the Company's strategic planning", evaluates José Ricardo Tobias, director of IoT at Positivo Tecnologia and responsible for the PositivoSEG units and Positivo Smart Home.

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