

To further support referrals, the service launches today a mobile app
O Software Piracy Reporting Portal - – ended 2013 with the mark of 31 thousand complaints involving the marketing, acquisition or use of illegal programs. Thus, 12 thousand companies were inspected and most of them have already performed the regularization of the software in use. Launched in November 2012 by ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies in partnership with BSA – The Software Alliance, the channel is one of several actions taken by entities to combat software piracy in the country. The complaints are 100% anonymous and can be made by any citizen who finds irregularities in the use, sale or distribution of software by physical stores, online and companies.

Of the total of 31 thousand complaints, more than 20 thousand are unique, considering that a company can be indicated several times. Of this total, 60% have already been inspected, impacting the regularization of several companies. Today, the portal has 10 manufacturers registered in the program: Adobe, Audaces, Autodesk, Dassault, Microsoft, Progress, PLM, Siemens, Sybase, Symantec and Tekla. Complaints are forwarded to manufacturers for verification according to their internal process.

With the help of the Complaints Portal and the active society, it was possible to seize 487,852 pirated software CDs and DVDs in 2013. In addition, 129 computer resellers were approached by local police authorities in the South and Southeast regions with suspicion of selling counterfeit computer programs. . In total, police agents, with logistical support from ABES, managed to seize approximately 3,000 pirated items from these resales, including software and serials for activating computer programs.

 “We are very satisfied with the results achieved, the numbers exceeded our expectations and it is gratifying to see how society has contributed with the complaints and how software manufacturers are committed to combating the sale of illegal programs. Disrespect for intellectual property rights weakens the principle of legality of economic growth, as well as the development of innovative technologies. It creates an unfair market in which honest companies are not able to compete”, points out Jorge Sukarie, president of ABES.
mobile app
To encourage and further facilitate the access of the population, the entity also officially launches the free application "Report Piracy”, available for Android, IOS and Windows Phone platforms.
The denounced companies are mostly located in the Southeast and South regions, with 31% and 8.64%, respectively. Followed by the Northeast (1.92%), Midwest (1.44%) and North (0.41%).


 Source: ABES


Source: ABES

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