
Initiative outlines panorama of software developers

The Innovate Project ( launched an online platform that allows Brazilian software development companies to assess how they are doing in relation to their competitors. THE free benchmarking service covers different aspects, including business performance, innovation, technical and managerial skills, manager profile and work environment, among others. In addition to helping national software companies to become more competitive, the project aims to provide subsidies for the development of public policies that actually meet the needs of the sector.

Any software development company that has a CNPJ and at least four employees can use the service. All you need to do is register on the website.  and that managers and employees respond to a brief electronic questionnaire. As soon as the participant finishes filling in the questionnaire, the system generates a first benchmarking, comparing the answers he gave with those of the other participants. After data collection ends at the end of May, study organizers plan to generate benchmarking more detailed and customized for each participating company.
The Inovar Project is coordinated by Valter Moreno, professor and researcher in Information Systems at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and at Ibmec Colleges. Valter is also General Coordinator of Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Studies at Faculdades Ibmec and visiting professor at the German Graduate School of Business and Law (GGS), in Germany. He has been teaching and developing research on the strategic management of organizational and IT resources and capabilities, with a focus on generating value and competitiveness for companies. Another area of study has been the management of business processes and their integration into knowledge and innovation management.

All information collected is confidential. The non-profit project is fully funded by CNPq/CAPES and FAPERJ. In addition, it was approved by the National Research Ethics Committee (CONEP) and the Research Ethics Committee (Coep) of UERJ.

For more information, visit the INOVAR project website ( or contact Prof. Valter Moreno by email:

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