
By Paulo Milliet Roque, vice president of ABES

Since the end of 2017, ABES has been approaching the business sector of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the institution responsible for the global coordination of the Internet. It is the responsibility of this group to guarantee the legitimacy of the servers that allow data to travel on the world wide web between multiple points and allow the user to reach a desired website or service.

ABES will participate in the ICANN business group in Barcelona, from October 20 to 25, 2018, to which Engineer Paulo Milliet Roque, Vice-Chairman of the Board and member of the deliberative Council of ABES, serving in the business group, is sending of ICANN.

It is important to note that ABES is also sending engineer Vanda Scartezini, Director and Adviser, a person of notorious knowledge in the sector, who has been participating in the global internet governance for a long time, currently working in the ICANN user group.


ICANN's business group, Business Constituency (BC), gathers in the same space from small and medium companies to the giants Microsoft, Google, Facebook, among others. In this niche, international policies are deliberated that affect the structure of the entire network, and we join a pioneer and emerging group of Brazilians who seek to increase the Latin American voice within this space.

At a time when the country is facing serious difficulties in the search for economic stability, new business models and partnerships are necessary. In this sense, internationalization appears as an important vector in the generation of paths to guarantee greater sustainability and stability for Brazilian companies. Participation in ICANN is thought not only from the angle of participation in policy making, but also from the perspective of strengthening ties with leading global companies and a consequent visibility for its members.


The most important theme that we have developed within the scope of BC is the issue of bringing the project Universal Acceptance to Brazil. This project aims to accept all website and e-mail addresses on Internet forms, servers and services. It is still not as evident a reality for us, but the network is undergoing profound conceptual changes, and if one day the ASCII characters were enough, this is no longer the case.

Take Russia as an example, represented on the network by its very strong country code, the “.ru”. Since the suffix “. ??” was made available (????? ´ ????? ?????? ´ ???, Cyrillic for “Russian Federation”), more than 1 million domains have already been registered within this local variant of the domain. The same is observed in the Chinese region and in the Arab World, where the demand for the use of its local characters has always been very high, and it is consolidating itself as a reality now.

ABES has taken on the responsibility of leading a survey aimed at documenting the preparation of leading Brazilian websites for this standard, with the partnership of ICANN's local leadership and national academic and private partners. We produced tangible results to be presented to the global community during this meeting, which demonstrate only 8% of Brazilian websites with greater access are prepared for this technology.


We are researching security solutions for our associates, and after talking to ICANN security team leaders, we began to draft proposals for interacting with email security initiatives, such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework) a list of servers that can send email to a domain, DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) method for verifying the reliability of e-mails, and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) that defines the policy that should be used in the tools above, in addition to projecting a better engagement with other international entities such as the important one Spamhaus.


In addition to this larger project, we continue to monitor other themes and initiatives. BC is strongly involved in the restructuring of the WHOIS database, which has the name, e-mail and address of the domain owners, something that is a consequence of the implementation of the new European data protection law (GDPR) and generated great commotion in the ICANN organization.


Finally, we follow the project of the Open Data Initiative (ODI), of which one of ABES 'employees is the only Brazilian member of active participation in its development. ODI seeks to make the data that make up the ICANN system more public while maintaining user privacy and system security. In the medium term, very interesting results can emerge from an in-depth analysis of the data, once they are made available.

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