
Through the CIEE One platform, young people can enroll for free in IT Support, Data Analysis, Project Management and UX Design courses

Google and the Business-School Integration Center – CIEE launched, on 04/20, 60,000 new scholarships for Google Professional Certificates, technology courses offered by the company on the online platform Coursera for students, apprentices, interns and other professionals who are looking for replacement in the market or their first job. 

The second consecutive year of the partnership has accumulated 90,000 scholarships and the objective is to contribute to combating unemployment, mainly by training young people from the most affected social sectors, to promote economic development and quality of life for these people. The courses are: IT Support, Data Analysis, Project Management and UX Design. There are around 800 hours of classes, considering the four qualifications together, with certification. 

The scholarships focus on the socially more vulnerable population, and also on people from politically minority groups, such as the black and brown population, women, indigenous communities and LGBTIQAP. Scholarships will be offered both to students in high school and college and also to people who have already completed one of these cycles. Entries can be made on this link. 

“One of Google's purposes is to share knowledge and encourage education, with a special focus on training new professionals in the area of technology. In this sense, Google Professional Certificates play an important role as they are online 100% courses, developed by Google itself and that train people in highly demanded skills and professions, even without previous experience. We are aware of the market demand for qualified professionals in this area and that is why we understand the importance of investing in the training of young people or people who want to change careers so that they become professionals of excellence”, points out Maia Mau, Director of Marketing at Google Brazil. 

Partnership has already delivered 30,000 scholarships in Brazil 

The donation of scholarships continues the announcement made by the company in June 2022, in which the company committed to granting 500 thousand scholarships for training in areas of activity highly demanded by the labor market, until 2026. 

Since June 2022, CIEE and Google have delivered 30,000 scholarships for technology courses, transforming the lives of thousands of young people across Brazil, with 55% of them being black and brown, 26.8% members of the LGBTQIAPN+ group and 78% receiving up to three minimum wages. 

“More than theoretical training in technology courses, participating in an initiative like this makes young people develop in other spheres of their lives. By realizing the many opportunities for growth in this scenario, these students also develop a sense of responsibility, commitment and professional attitude that are essential qualities for success in their future careers”, explains Renata Honda, supervisor of CIEE One. “Our experience in recruitment and selection shows us how this journey has been transforming and expanding the possibilities of each of the young people”, he adds.

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