
In order to present the special conditions, guide and clarify doubts about the lines of credit available at BNDES, FINEP and Develop SP, the lecture “Obtaining resources for innovation”, on October 21, at 8:30 am, at the Osasco regional office of Sebrae-SP.
The lecture will be presented by Renato Cislaghi, from FINEP, who will address Inovacred, a FINEP program that finances investment by small and medium-sized companies to introduce new products, processes, services and improve existing ones. Magali Tacla Michelutti, from the Desenvolvimento-SP agency, will talk about the BNDES MPME Inovadora credit line, created to encourage investment in MSMEs, with a view to introducing innovations to the market.
Lecture Obtaining resources for innovation
Date: October 21st
Time: 8:30 am
Place: Osasco Regional Office of Sebrae-SP – Rua Dona Primitiva Vianco, 640, Downtown – Osasco – SP
Information: and (11) 3123-0464
Free event 

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