Association starts cycle of events for knowledge dissemination


As part of the calendar to celebrate its 30th anniversary, ABES promoted on June 23, in São Paulo, a meeting of associates with coach and writer Ricardo Jucá, which addressed the theme “Making it happen”.
The executive director of ABES, Anselmo Gentile, opened the event explaining that this was the first of a cycle of four lectures on improving business management, in order to contribute to the revitalization of administrative processes, with the implementation of positive changes and indication of management trends. "We want to generate information to help companies in their daily lives and for the development of the Brazilian IT sector."
Next, Calos Sacco, marketing director, spoke about the highlights of the entity's operations, the main services provided by ABES to its members and anticipated some news, such as the creation of three new committees: Security, Certification and IoT. "With the creation of these new groups, we will provide more services to members and discuss issues that are revolutionizing the sector." 
At the end, Francisco Camargo, executive president of ABES, thanked the members for their presence and their satisfaction in providing this cycle of lectures. “We have completed 30 years with great joy knowing that we are effectively contributing to the development of the Brazilian software and services market”.

Make it happen
Doctor from FGV, with specialization in leadership and change management from Harvard Business School, author of the book “A Pirâmide do make it happen” and partner of the company Atingire, Jucá involved the participants in a reflection on what it means to make it happen, in a relaxed way and engaging. "There are many definitions, but we can summarize that it is delivering results, despite the barriers, with people and according to our values", he said, also pointing out the four reasons that can compromise the expected results: lack of planning, lack of action on planning, lack of control and adjustment of course, and uncontrollable external factors.
The coach explained the five steps of the tool developed by Atingire, the “Pyramid of Making It Happen”, which helps to obtain exceptional results. At the base of the pyramid are the situation and the vision, that is, where we are and where we want to go. The problems and causes, which indicate why we are not there, make up the second step.
At the center of the pyramid is step three: setting goals, plans and incentives, which determines what to do. “Every goal needs to have a main objective, reach indicators, deadline, a value and the definition of a person responsible for the project”, highlighted the speaker.
Step four is action, that is, implementation "which is the ability to complete what is planned on a day-to-day basis, on time, until the end and correctly," explained Jucá. Control and course adjustment, which are part of the fifth step, are placed at the top of the pyramid and need to be continuous and structured.
"This is the structure we suggest. I hope I have given you some ideas and put some 'fleas' on you on how to make it happen", concluded the speaker, who also raffled off copies of his book among the participants.
Motivation and applicability
Fernanda Sartori, MStech's business executive, praised the entity's initiative: “I thought it was very important to know about the many news from ABES. The lecture, on the other hand, brought up a topic that we even know in theory, but it doesn't discuss the practice and Jucá did it in a very motivating way”.    
“It was very commendable for ABES to bring together its members and bring up such an important issue at this time of economic and political instability that we are experiencing. The speaker was very motivating and gave many examples of situations that we go through in our day to day and we don't stop to observe”, evaluated Francisco Marques, partner and financial director of BHS. 
Gustavo Geraldes, Scale System director, approved the event and highlighted that Jucá's presentation was very nice, because it is possible to apply the content in the reality of your company. “He nudged us and now we can go in search of more information. The topic that addressed the execution part caught my attention a lot”, he added. 
Note the dates of the next lectures: 24/08, 19/10 and 09/11. The themes and speakers will still be defined.

Check out the photo gallery of the event here.


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