Tecnologica 2015 takes place from May 13 to 15 in Montevideo
Expanding operations in Latin America is a goal of several companies in the ICT sector. The achievement of this objective is closer when taking advantage of business opportunities, which include participation in international events in the sector, such as the third edition of the Technological 2015, which takes place from May 13 to 15 in Montevideo, Uruguay. According to Ignacio García, from the fair's commercial department, there is great Uruguayan interest in approaching companies in the Brazilian market. 
The event is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Ministerio de Industria y Energía, LATU – Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay Lacnic – Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean, Internet Society and AGESIC – Agencia para el Desarrollo del Gobierno de Electronic Management and the Information and Knowledge Society.
Companies wishing to obtain more information about participating in the Technological 2015, you can contact Ignacio García by email:

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