
By Greg Dixon, Chief Technology Officer at ScanSource


In 2017, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Industry will have to be prepared for “XaaS.” But, what is X? X, as we already know, is software, infrastructure, voice, unified communications. But what will be the next big solution-as-a-service offering? Before establishing this, it is necessary to analyze how solutions as a service affect solutions as a whole. In my opinion, there are six types of driving factors for as-a-service solutions.
1. How solutions-as-a-service determine how technology solutions are purchased.
Traditionally, the B2B sales model has been used to buy and sell solutions. However, today the industry is moving to an online marketplace – not just for a product, but for a solution that is needed to solve a business issue. Additionally, in the past, an RVA would communicate with a company's CIO about purchasing technology solutions. Now, it's business decision makers who should be first on the RVA call list.
2. Solutions as a Service determines how technology solutions are delivered and installed.
Technology solutions can include physical products (coming from a warehouse), digital products (from a Data Center or an Operator), or what is most likely: a combination of the two. However, the new question RVA must ask is: how are these products delivered?
3. Solution as a Service determines how the solution is paid for.
A second new question for the RAV to ask is “how do you want to pay?” In this case, the CFO can chime in and determine which budget will be more appropriate: CapEx or OpEx. Again, a combination of the two should be the most likely answer.
 4. Solution as a Service determines how technology solutions are consumed.
Nowadays, Solution as a Service has a continuous life cycle and therefore must be managed based on this. Technology and software updates and hardware repairs are a constant fact. For this reason, the contract and consumption model must be renewable every year. 
5. Solution-as-a-Service determines how technology solutions are extended and adjusted.
When using solutions as a service, adjustments are easy. Adding or deleting licenses or devices, changes/additions/changes, etc., are performed by the RVA or Managed Service Provider (PSG) in the automated marketplace, at any time.
6. Solution as a Service determines how technology solutions are managed and maintained.
When offering solutions as a service, the service is automatic and proactive, minimizing downtime and maximizing the use of devices.
Currently, the channel is going through an era of profound transitions and in the coming years, the industry will have to address what I call Anything as a Service (AaaS). All technology solutions will be affected in some way by as-a-service solutions, so it is critical that we understand and accommodate any type of technology solution to fit into an as-a-service offering.
However, the transformations caused by products as a service will not stop here. By 2019 or 2020, a profound shift will occur caused by the migration from AaaS to Everything-as-a-Service (EaaS). During this period, technology solutions will include more digital components and fewer physical components. Consequently, next year the channel must prepare for XaaS, which will transform into AaaS and eventually EaaS. Will you be ready for this?


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