Companies with revenues of up to R$ 300 million can express interest

On June 26, 2017, the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) launched a channel that allows micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to quickly request direct credit from the banking system. The MPME Developer Channel ( is an exclusive internet relationship platform for this range of companies.
For the first time, the BNDES starts to communicate directly with the entrepreneur interested in its lines of financing. “It is an instrument that intends to bring information about credit to micro and small entrepreneurs. The logic is to expand credit”, stressed the director of the BNDES' indirect operations area, Ricardo Ramos.
Through the channel, micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs), that is, companies with annual revenues of up to R$ 300 million, can make expressions of interest in credit, via the internet, anywhere, 24 hours a day, in seven days a week, without having to visit an agent transferring funds to start looking for financial support from BNDES for their projects.
The channel is responsive, that is, it can be accessed through mobile devices (cell phones and tablets). The objective of the environment is to simplify, speed up and expand access to credit, bringing the BNDES closer to its end customers.
Rural producers, individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEIs) and autonomous cargo transporters (truck drivers) can also use the tool.
According to the president of BNDES, Paulo Rabello de Castro, the bank intends to increase the capillarity of its resources within the line of micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs). “The bank's development has been gradual and steady. Next year we will have 50% [of loans to MSMEs] and this tool is what enables me to say that”, he said.
Rabello also said that the BNDES will increase the supply of available resources in general. “We intend to go from R$ 85 billion, on average, of annual disbursement, to something greater than R$ 100 billion from now until the end of the year, and thus accelerate the process of approaching the needs of promotion and development [of the Country]”.
For the president of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), Afif Domingos, the tool will allow small businesses to have more access to financing. “The challenge is to reach the vast majority of the 83% in the universe of micro and small companies that do not have access to the financing system”.

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