
The Brazilian Association of Software Companies expresses its regret at the death of Daniel Boacnin, an entrepreneur who contributed greatly to the development of the national IT sector. In our organization, he was executive president (1998-2000), president of the Deliberative Council (2001-2003) and vice president of the Executive Board (2004-2006). Boacnin leaves us with great lessons in ethics, professionalism and friendship. In this moment of loss, we sympathize with all family and friends.

Among the most important contributions to the sector of Daniel Boacnin, during his tenure, we highlight the approval of the Software Law (No. 9609), the results achieved by the Anti-Piracy Campaign, as well as the change of the ISS calculation base in the city. of São Paulo (Decree no. 39017 of 01/31/2000). In the field of Social Responsibility, in April 2000, he assumed the Vice-Presidency of InfoCri @ nça, an enterprise of technology companies in São Paulo aimed at underprivileged children. 

In 2016, the businessman was honored by ABES, with the inclusion of his portrait in the gallery of the association's ex-presidents, inaugurated in the entity's 30th anniversary.

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