
The mobile revolution and trends for the future

By René Abdon, Director of Services at Dynatrace The evolution of mobile devices and the expansion of internet access through these devices, without a doubt, are enabling a new ...

CFO as a catalyst for change

Priscila Siqueira, Oracle's vice president of Business Intelligence and Analytics for Latin America Business rhythms are changing. In the highly competitive global economy, top executives often have to use ...

The Shared Services Center (CSC) in practice

By Peterson Pais, Marketing Manager at Accesstage The pressure to reduce costs within companies has always existed. But, in periods of unstable economy, it is even greater and the search for efficiency ...

Information security as an ally in Telecom companies

By Carlos Jardim, systems engineer at Intel Security Companies in the telecommunications industry are experiencing a challenging time. The speed of innovation in this sector is frightening, new platforms attract more and more ...

Cloud Security - Where to start?

Kleber Melo, President of the Advisory Council of (ISC) ² for Latin America The use of tools in the Cloud and Hybrid Cloud has reduced the costs of companies in an unprecedented way, and stimulated their growth in ...

How to profit from the Internet of Things

By Glenn Johnson, Senior Vice President, Magic Software Enterprises Americas We have covered the Internet of Things in several applications related to business activities. Its application is ...

5 tips for a good CRM strategy

By Lisandro Scuitto, product director for Infor Latam In today's mobile world, many employees need access to company tools and information anytime, anywhere. It was the time that the seller ...

5 reasons to automate business decisions

By Matthew Gharegozlou, Vice President of Progress for Latin America New digital ways of measuring the business environment are helping companies to see certain business opportunities highly ...

IoT and productivity in supply chains

By Rodney Repullo, CEO of Magic Software Brasil Countries where the legacy of IT infrastructure and applications are not abundant, as in developed countries, are in a position ...

It's time to discuss optical layer encryption

By Hector Silva, Ciena's chief technology officer for Latin America Security and compliance have become a recurring topic in meeting rooms. This is no surprise, given the ...

Data drives business to the new reality

By Rafael Aielo, Big Data specialist at SAS Brasil Have you heard of data-driven culture, or Data-Driven Culture? We are undergoing a permanent transformation in the way we conduct our business and, mainly, ...

Digital marketing trends for 2016

By Scott McCorkle, CEO of Salesforce Marketing Cloud The year is beginning and you, the marketer, must be outlining your action plan for 2016, certainly reviewing successes and mistakes and trying to anticipate ...

Governments can move to the cloud with confidence

  By Tereza Valle, Public Sector leader at Microsoft Latam The migration to the cloud has already started and will not be stopped. It comes driven by clear advantages such as agility and the expansion of ...

The health area at the speed of information

By Ricardo Costa, Manager of Health Business Development at EMC Digital information is dramatically changing the way we interact personally and conduct business. We are always connected to ...

2016, the year of the software

By Otto Berkes, Chief Technology Officer, CA Technologies Information technology in the format we know it today is dead. What before was just a mission to "keep the lights on" has evolved into ...

The challenges for all of us

16/02/2015 By Jorge Sukarie, President of ABES The year 2015 was marked by the accumulation of crises in Brazil: economic, political, institutional, leadership and corruption. Certainly, this whirlwind of ...

How much of your business is digital?

By David Goulden, CEO of Information Infrastructure at EMC There's no doubt about it. The speed with which business-critical information is captured, processed and ...

An advanced look at technological performance in 2016

By Ryan Bateman, Marketing Director at Dynatrace In 2016, history will repeat itself, but this time for a new audience. The Development and Operations teams have been culturally transformed to adapt to the ...

Crowdfunding for big brands: is this a trend?

By Vinicius Maximiliano, corporate lawyer, accounting manager and financier Talking about the future within the internet market movements is always a big challenge, for obvious reasons: the first is precisely the dynamics ...

Manufacturing technology challenges and trends

By Fernando da Silva, product manager, and Marco Osti, business analyst for manufacturing at Senior Machines have always been connected to perform a certain action, even if automation is not ...

Tax on software: after all, ICMS or ISS?

By Jorge Sukarie, President of ABES A discussion that had been dormant for many years has recently surfaced with the publication, at the close of the lights of 2015, of the ICAZ 181 Agreement of CONFAZ (National Council of ...