
Too good to be true? It's Scam

By Roberto Gallo, coordinator of the Security and Cyber Risks Committee at ABES Discover the four indications that that great opportunity on the Internet is a scam The Internet is great and brings ...

Artificial intelligence and the digital society

By Cezar Taurion, head & partner of Digital Transformation & Economy at KICK Ventures / VP of Innovation Instituto Smart City Business America Artificial Intelligence is already in a position to recognize ...

What is your purpose?

By Thiago Brolezzi, Career Transition Consultant at Thomas Case & Associados A lot of news is released about how to achieve goals and objectives in the new year. Experts comment on starting a new ...

Hackers attack where you least expect it

By Ivan Kotchetkoff, business development leader in the Office Printing Service area at HP Brazil Lately, we have witnessed several hacker attacks that make companies hostages. But how do they get to ...

Valuing experience turns consumers into brand advocates

  By Wilmar Lima, vice president of Digital Transformation at FH Service logistics has never been more important for brands than now. That's because, with technology inserted in people's daily lives, online sales and ...

How do you communicate with you?

Nowadays, our most precious asset is time. We are constantly striving to do more with less resources, with less time.

Are we ready for disruptive business?

By Ricardo Nogueira, economist and president of Smarttech There is no industrial revolution that can do without the continuous improvement of product quality with cost reduction. This idea simplifies the horizon of ...

Fables in the era of Industry 4.0

By Hilton Marinho, Associate Director for Industry 4.0 at RSI Redes The number of views on how we will use the new technologies in Industry 4.0 is quite diverse. At the moment, practically all ...

Voice will be the operating system of the future

  By Gabriel Lobitsky, Sales Director at Infor At work, Artificial Intelligence can generate reports and analyze more complex scenarios In 2016, I discovered the power of Artificial Intelligence by ...

Artificial intelligence: machine learning

18/01/2016 By Débora Morales, statistics from the Instituto das Cidades Inteligentes (ICI) Mechanical learning technology feeds many aspects of modern society, from web searches, content filtering on networks ...

How can Design Thinking transform companies?

By Jussara Dutra, Senior Human and Organizational Development manager Managing a company requires highly complex decisions. Dealing with adversities and having to look for alternatives quickly made the ...

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Many of us are still inside the eggshell that surrounds us - when we don't break it, we don't grow. For that, we have to dream. For that, we have to experiment. For that, we have to do the new and, to do the new, we have to have a great idea every day, to sometimes take advantage of…

Top 5 Reasons Why Companies Go Down

By Flávio Ítavo, executive specialist in company recovery It is possible to point out some basic reasons why companies fail. It all starts with the difficulty of planning and controlling the ...

Corporate challenges for 2018

 By Daniela Mendonça, President of LG 2017 People says goodbye leaving a legacy of many transformations. Starting with the profound changes that technology has brought to the job market. It is consensus ...

Simplifying to improve (and a lot): the urgent Tax Reform

  * By Francisco Camargo, president of ABES Chaotic, irrational, probably the most complicated and regressive in the world. The list is of some comments that we can make, without fear of making mistakes, about the current tax system ...

An engaged team moves mountains

By Stephan Blumrich, director of the Automotive Quality Institute (IQA) To generate excellent results, leadership needs quality, which is nothing more than a philosophy of how to manage your team to create a more productive and ...

7 guidelines for becoming a leader in 2018

By Celso Bazzola * The leader within an organization becomes the point of balance and the key to making a difference and seeking results. He must, more than anyone, believe in the potential of the company and its ...