
Vacancies are available for different areas of expertise and degrees.

Necta Gás Natural has internship vacancies in its Energize Program in the areas of Construction, Industrial, Legal, Connections, Marketing, Urban Market, Strategy, Operations and Engineering in the city of Ribeirão Preto, in a hybrid work model and with a scholarship compatible with the market.

Interested parties must be in the 6th semester of any degree, except for Operations, Engineering and Construction vacancies, aimed at students studying Engineering courses.

The Energize Program aims to create a connection between young people entering the job market and the company's opportunities. There, through the guidance of experienced leaders, students' talent is the starting point for a broad development path that drives personal and professional growth.

With a focus on valuing differences and a welcoming environment, Necta encourages applications from women, people with disabilities, people of color and all other characteristics.

To participate in the Energize Program, CVs must be sent to email with the subject Energize + Target Area + Your name (Ex: Energize + Marketing + Luciana).

About Necta – Company responsible for the public piped gas distribution service throughout the northwest of the State of São Paulo, currently present with its distribution network in 42 municipalities. Since the beginning of its operations, it has built approximately 1,300 kilometers of distribution network and currently has around 45 thousand customers in the residential, commercial, industrial and automotive markets. The company, which has 120 employees, is headquartered in Araraquara (SP), and has branches in Araçatuba, Bauru, São Carlos and Ribeirão Preto, where it is expanding its presence with a new office, located in the South zone of the city.

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