

The objective is to promote the development of machine-to-machine systems


The Ministry of Communications published in today's edition of the Official Gazette the ordinance No. 1,420, which creates the Chamber for Management and Monitoring of Machine-to-Machine Systems Development. The establishment of the chamber took place during a workshop held at the MiniCom auditorium, in Brasília, with the aim of collecting information from companies operating in the segment.
M2M devices, the acronym in English, have the ability to communicate with each other without human intervention and have various uses in the daily lives of the population, companies and the government.
The Director of Broadband at the Ministry of Communications, Artur Coimbra, highlighted that among the objectives of the chamber are to monitor the evolution and emergence of new machine-to-machine applications and to coordinate technical cooperation between telecommunications service providers, equipment manufacturers and entities. of research. In addition, its members will work on the formulation of public policies for the sector. "There is a whole space to be built, a whole policy to be formulated to expand the theme in the country".
 The Management Chamber is made up of members from the Ministries of Communications and Science, Technology and Innovation; the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel); in addition to industry representatives, telecommunications service providers, educational institutions and application developers for the segment.

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