
In order to facilitate access to information on the Coronavirus (Covid-19), the Ministry of Health developed applications with prevention tips, description of symptoms, forms of transmission, map of health units, official news area released by the Ministry of Health with a focus on Covid-19 and even a list of fake news that were disseminated on the subject, as a way of combating the so-called fake news.

If the person has possible symptoms of the virus, the individual can answer questions in the application that assess the risk of infection by touching the button "Are you feeling bad?". The person has to select the symptoms he is currently experiencing, which country he has traveled to and whether he has had close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 in the last 14 days. From these responses, the application can indicate a nearby health unit.

The applications are available to users of the operating systems:



Analysis of China's cases

An analysis of official China data released by the World Health Organization, WHO, reveals that 80% of confirmed cases of Covid-19 are mild, without pneumonia or with mild pneumonia. The victims who died had the most severe version, which reached less than 5% of those infected. The study shows that the highest death rate is among people over 80 years old. Those patients who have other cardiovascular diseases and problems are also likely to develop the most critical form of Codiv-19. The data were collected until February 11, in China. The mortality rate is 2.3%. Of those infected, more than 51% are men and the mortality rate was 2.8% and for women, 1.7%.

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