

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC) program offers training, mentoring and connection for Brazilian startups
The MIDI Technological incubator, managed by the Santa Catarina Association of Technology Companies (ACATE) and maintained by Sebrae/SC, was selected to be an agent of the InovAtiva Brasil program in Santa Catarina. The initiative of the Secretariat of Innovation of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC) aims to provide training, mentoring and connection to Brazilian startups.
ACATE is also acting as an agent for InovAtiva Brasil. The function of the agents is to attract entrepreneurs to participate in the program. In the 2015 edition, InovAtiva will offer participants differentiated access to funding calls from CNPq-SETEC/MEC and SENAI, in addition to the prospect of internationalization with a UK fund. Applications are open until June 19 through the website and the result will be announced on July 13th.
The initiative has already reached, in two editions, seven thousand entrepreneurs and professionals registered on the platform, more than two thousand projects submitted, 178 mentored and 95 finalists. In this third edition, proximity to large Brazilian companies from different segments will be one of the priorities, according to Marcos Vinícius de Souza, secretary of innovation at the MDIC. “The idea is to attract experienced executives to become mentors for the program and, with that, begin to identify business opportunities, innovation and learning in the startup ecosystem”, he highlights.
Launch in Santa Catarina
The CERTI Foundation (Reference Centers for Innovative Technologies) promoted on June 1, in Florianópolis, the launch event of InovAtiva in Santa Catarina. The meeting was held at the SENAI Institute of Technology in Automation and ICT (SC-401), and featured the presentation of the CERTI Project Coordinator, Carlos Eduardo Bizzotto, highlighted the successful cases of startups from Santa Catarina, such as Hórus Aeronaves (pioneer in the state in the manufacture of drones) and CataMoeda (developer of a solution to encourage the circulation of coins in retail).
Participants Jefferson Gomes, from SENAI, and Marcus Muller, from the Cventures fund, brought news about innovation mechanisms and best practices to attract investors. The event was supported by FIESC, SENAI, IEL and CEJESC. 

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