
In order to inspire the female audience to play an active role and explore the digital environment, Microsoft launched the platform women in technology. Divided into four nuclei, the project generates opportunities for women of different age groups. Through the initiative, the company intends to reach one million women throughout Brazil.
 “Microsoft has a vision that through education and entrepreneurship we can change the world. We can empower people to live their potential and make the planet a better place,” said the brand’s director of business strategy, Jaciguara Shibao, during the presentation of the initiative at Mulheres Digitais, an event held in São Paulo on March 12.
According to the executive, the platform was developed to create a cycle of transformation for competitiveness, based on education, empowerment of women and support in the entrepreneurship journey.
The first space on the site is intended for girls who are still students. Thus, online courses on basic and advanced tools are available that enable girls to stand out in school, whether in day-to-day presentations, homework or technology projects.
In the second phase, the focus is on girls who are in higher education and want to pursue a career in information technology after college. “Add knowledge to your degree with Microsoft courses and become part of the amazing innovations of tomorrow. Microsoft Women in Technology is exactly what you need for a successful career in technology”, says the platform in the presentation of the courses that promise to contribute to the beginning of a career in the university phase.
The platform also offers training and certifications through the Microsoft Virtual Academy, for women who already work as IT professionals and develop for desktop, mobile or cloud. In addition, the company created a group on LinkedIn to unite professionals around company news and discussions related to careers in technology.
For entrepreneurs, the company offers training and products focused on business strategies for brand expansion. Through the platform, women can also connect with experts for guidance. In the invitation to the initiative, the company states that “no idea is too small or too big to be implemented”.

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