
By Leonardo Nascimento, Brasoftware product specialist
Passwords, credentials, passwords again and more access data. That is how we come across the advancement of technology, with more and more resources being delivered into our hands, both in personal and professional life.
When a person is inserted in the corporate world, he / she receives several accesses (users and passwords), which allows him / her to access the systems and resources necessary to have productivity in companies. This factor makes life very difficult for users, who need to manage more and more corporate passwords, in addition to their personal passwords, ranging from unlocking smartphones to accessing bank accounts.
In addition to generating complexity to be managed, these passwords do not provide effective security. In many cases, users seek to place standard passwords, such as their phone number, company name, personal data and this makes it easy for people with bad intentions to guess. This facilitates access to corporate information through both human and technological failure.
Looking at this scenario and considering the difficulty in managing, the technological market has been changing the concepts regarding the passwords defined by the user himself. One of the methods that has been adopted is biometrics technology, which allows the person to have access to information through his digital, facial recognition - even for payments -, which provides a greater sense of security and at the same time eliminates the need to memorize complex passwords.
In addition to biometrics, companies have also been adhering to technologies that generate automatic numbers linked to a credential previously registered on an authentication server. When the user enters their credentials, the password is generated through an application that can be installed on a mobile device or delivered through a specific device to the user. The first facilitator in this case is for the user who does not need to record complex passwords and, second, the security that is provided to the company that adheres to this type of technology, as it will not be standard passwords that will allow access to information, but, rather, random passwords. .
To maintain protection in the environment, corporations also adhere to the concept of encrypting information. That is, to shield information and not allow it to be read by people who do not have access. In this model it is also possible to integrate passwords for better management of users and the IT team.
The use of these resources is a way for corporations to be able to maintain the security of their environment, even without the extensive use of passwords. In addition to offering a level of comfort to stakeholders and users much greater than just defining complexity for creating passwords.                   

quick access