
ABES director spoke about perspectives and main challenges


Legal director Manoel Antonio dos Santos represented ABES at the event “IT: something more than software. Business disruption”, held on April 25, in São Paulo, by F. Iniciativas, an international consultancy specializing in public financing and R&D.

The meeting aimed to discuss the impact that technologies have on different organizations and economic sectors, future prospects and the expectations that the Brazilian government has regarding them, as well as existing and planned policies to promote them. The program included presentations by the Secretary of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications, Paulo Alvim, and the General Coordinator of Innovative Technologies of the Ministry of Economy, Luciano de Sousa.
Santos was part of the panel, followed by a round table, with the theme "IT Transversality: reality and challenges", mediated by Andre Jankavski, economics reporter for Exame Magazine, which featured information on the government's plans and perspectives, as well as analyzes on the impact of new technologies in the field of innovation and economy, in addition to citing practical cases of the use of IT in organizations in recent years. from Senior Sistemas; Luiz Gustavo Demont, Specialist at the Technology and Innovation Unit at CNI (National Confederation of Industry).

Participants highlighted the exponential evolution of software and new technologies, the disruptions they have promoted both in business and in processes. Everyone recognized that new technologies will continue to revolutionize markets in different sectors, due to this transversality, as there are changes taking place in education, health, the entertainment sector, industries, the ICT sector itself, among others.

The Technical Director of F. Iniciativas, Rafael Costa, stimulated a reflection: “IT represents, more and more, a fundamental role in the business fabric in any country in the world. The event fulfilled its role well in discussing not only the real impact of technologies on organizations, regardless of the sector in which they operate, but also explored the future perspectives of companies and the Brazilian government, which had the opportunity to present the existing and planned policies to promote them. there". 

At the end of the event, the new edition of the Frascati Manual was presented, in a version adapted for Brazil, translated and published exclusively by F. Iniciativas. The manual, created by the OECD, represents the most recognized guide worldwide regarding the definition and measurement of Research and Development activities, being widely used by the different entities in Brazil involved in the world of innovation as a reference for the creation of laws and regulations of promotion. The manual will be available in print and PDF for users in the coming days. 


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