
In an event attended by senators and federal deputies, ABES, Abfintechs, FecomercioSP and Zetta

argue that pre-existing norms and bodies need to be considered in regulation

The discussion on the Intelligence Regulatory Framework in Brazil must take into account existing standards, structures and experiences, relying on institutional cooperation and an assessment of the impacts of regulation on economic development, innovation and competitiveness. This is the motto of an Open Letter signed by more than 30 entities* and presented this Wednesday (10) at the event “AI Regulation: Sector Dialogues in the Legislative Branch”, held in Brasília (DF) by ABES, Abfintechs, FecomercioSP and Zetta.

In addition to representatives of associations and experts on the topic, the meeting was attended by senators Eduardo Gomes (PL/TO), rapporteur of PL 2,338/2023, which deals with the topic; by Izalci Lucas (PL-DF), in addition to deputies Luiza Canziani (PSD – PR) and Julio Lopes (PP – RJ). In common between the different debate panels, the importance of regulating AI was highlighted, but that regulation provides legal certainty with the prevalence of sectoral rules on the use of technologies in regulated sectors and regulatory cooperation between different sectoral regulators.

The entities present were in favor of regulation on the topic, including expanding the debate and considering relevant aspects, such as: an integrative approach that takes into account the accumulated normative experiences that already produce concrete effects on the market; the valorization of Brazilian regulatory expertise, supporting the actions of existing regulatory bodies to guarantee the responsible use of AI in their respective domains, encouraging cooperation between them; and analyzing the regulatory impact to mitigate risks such as dependence on foreign models, increased inequalities and talent flight.

See here the full letter.

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