
The actions took place in five capitals and had the logistical support of ABES
In September, police authorities in the cities of Brasília (DF), Goiânia (GO), Recife (PE), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Salvador (BA) carried out operations to search for seizures in six computer resellers, suspected of sell CDs and DVDs containing illegal copies of computer programs. In total, 2,157 illegal media were seized in these operations. These actions had the logistical support of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES).
47% of PCs sold at resellers are pre-infected
“Consumers should be aware if they suspect the origin of the programs installed on machines acquired in these places and always demand proof of purchase of the software”, points out Jorge Sukarie, president of ABES. This is because, a recent study by IDC, released in March this year, indicated that 47% of computers sold in computer resellers in Brazil are sold pre-infected with malware, including Trojans and other powerful viruses.
Legal risks for trading pirated software
According to Sukarie, by infringing copyright, these computer resellers promote unfair competition in the market in which they operate. In addition, they can be criminally liable with a penalty that can range from six months to two years in prison or suffer compensation with amounts that reach three thousand times the price of each program used or reproduced.
Given this scenario and to protect consumers, ABES, together with BSA – The Software Alliance, maintains the Software Piracy Reporting Portal. “Whenever the user suspects the origin of the computer programs offered in these stores, he can make an anonymous complaint through the portal If you prefer, you can also download the Portal app, available on Android and iOS platforms”, says Sukarie.


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