
The CCNA 5.0 Book by Marco Fillipetti, one of the best-known Network Engineering Specialists in the Brazilian market and Director of the Centro de Educação los Nuvem CloudCampus, a Training and Specialization Company for IT Professionals, has just been released by the publisher Livro Visual.

The publication is a tool to prepare the candidate for the new Cisco 200-120 exam, covering 100% of the topics covered by it and complementing the theoretical part with scenarios and labs that can be easily implemented in the lab or in the Packet Tracer simulator.

The book is considered a Complete Study Guide for candidates for the new Cisco exam. The test, which entitles you to CCNA certification, is one of the most requested in the current market, in addition to being one of the minimum conditions required by Cisco.

"The work was produced to cover all the topics currently required of a networking professional in order to obtain the highly respected CCNA certification. With the training that CloudCampus already offers in the area and this publication, we hope to train and certify a large number of number of professionals in the sector", points out Filippetti.

The book has 544 pages and is now available in bookstores across the country.


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