THE Women Entrepreneur Network (RME), The Google For Entrepreneurs and the Tech Sampa – São Paulo City Hall policy to promote new technology companies – launched the second edition of the Mulheres Tech Awards in Sampa.

The Award will distribute 50 thousand reais among five projects – ten thousand reais for each one – that are coordinated by women and that aim to increase female participation in the technology sector and in the city's startup ecosystem, through free initiatives or low cost carried out during 2016. The winning initiatives will also receive a year of exclusive mentoring with Ana Lúcia Fontes, entrepreneur and founder of Rede Mulher Empreendedora.

In the first edition, projects such as the Hacker Round, a programming workshop that teaches website, blog or app development for girls and women, and the 50+ women online, which promotes the training of businesswomen aged 50 and over to improve the visibility of their business and generate new perspectives for digital entrepreneurship.

Interested parties can apply until October 16, on the site of the Women Tech Awards in Sampa. The proposals, which must focus on the city of São Paulo, will be evaluated by a judging committee according to criteria established by the Regulation of the Award.

The female entrepreneurial movement has been gaining strength in São Paulo: in addition to occupying 52% of leadership positions in small and medium-sized companies located in the capital, studies show that companies managed by women can be up to 25% more profitable. 

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