
What strategies can help startups and medium-sized companies in Bauru to overcome the current crisis? This is the theme of the online panel organized by SEBRAE São Paulo, in partnership with KPMG, to discuss the strategies of companies in the region to overcome the crisis and how large companies can help in this journey. The meeting will be attended by Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Promotion of ABES, along with Gabriel Malinosqui, CEO of EZ.devis, and Fabio Zoppi Barrionuevo, State Manager of the Startup SP program (SEBRAE). The event will take place on June 19, 2020, at 4 pm. Free registrations can be made on this link.

Jamile will be present at Futurecom Digital Summit, one of the most important content and relationship events of the Technology Ecosystem in Brazil, which will have a special online edition, with the theme "World beyond Pandemia". There will be 2 daily sessions, from June 22 to July 2, 2020, adding up to 25 hours of totally free content. She will moderate the panel “Innovation, Adaptation or Digital Transformation? What is the Role of Pandemic in Business Digitization?”, Scheduled for June 25, 2020, at 6:20 pm, with panelists Rafael Tobara, CIO, Sapore; and Alexandre Santos, CTIO, Light. Entries can be made on this link.

In this scenario of new challenges with the pandemic, ABES has participated in debates and promoted webinars aiming to contribute to the construction of a Healthier, More Digital and Less Unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role for the democratization of knowledge, the generation of jobs and the creation of new opportunities for all citizens affected by Covid-19 (coronavirus).

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