
*Per Angela Gheller

After assuming a vital position to support most segments of the economy during the most challenging periods of the pandemic, Brazilian logistics had to reinvent itself and 2022 was a year of consolidating the numerous transformations experienced. Logistic operators and shippers had their demands multiplied and, with them, opportunities to explore new markets also emerged. 

We also observed that the logistics sector has advanced in digitization, however, it is still a process that moves gradually. According to Logistics Technological Productivity Index (IPT), a study carried out by TOTVS in partnership with H2R Pesquisas Avançadas, the segment recorded an average of 0.38 points — on a scale of 0 to 1 —, reinforcing a scenario of low internalization and technological use in operations. The study identified that there are companies that still do not adopt specialized management systems and still maintain control over their operations on paper and in spreadsheets. Therefore, it is essential that the sector sees technology as an ally not only of productivity, but also of business profitability. 

The digitization of the operation is not a one-off action, but a series of modernizations that can be carried out throughout the logistics chain, starting with the intralogistics, that is, organize and control the entry and exit of vehicles and loads to achieve better management of warehouses, yards and vehicles. In this sense, solutions such as YMS, which guarantees a holistic view of the entire scheduled operation; WMS, which performs integrated management and automates processes, ensuring complete management of warehouses; and tools for scheduling and controlling yards and entrances, which organize entry and exit of vehicles, optimizing internal processes that impact the performance of the entire operation. 

Based on the scenario described above, I enter another topic that the logistics sector needs to pay attention to in 2023: the operational efficiency. Several factors impact this aspect, such as organization and process control, cost management, fleet management, etc. According to research Overview of Cargo Transport in Brazil, logistics costs rose to 13.7% of GDP in 2022, a much higher share than in more mature economies, such as the United States, where the cost represents 7% of GDP. The study also points out that diesel — whose price has risen above inflation in the last two years — represents 37% of the cost of road freight transport. 

It is imperative that companies invest in technologies to improve monitoring and organization, providing greater control and efficiency for the operation. And here I am talking, for example, of technological devices that accompany transport, in order to predict and organize inspections and maintenance of vehicles, avoiding possible losses and delays in the operation. Intelligently optimizing logistics, understanding the best route (in terms of time, safety, location and costs), in addition to taking advantage of cargo space to better optimize vehicles (what volumes and dimensions to supply, without affecting bodywork and cargo). 

Regarding transport and digitization, the arrival of 5G in Brazil has great potential to improve logistics activities. The solutions — whether these are devices or mobile — will gain greater speed and data latency, making communication faster between the points of operation. With this, companies can and should pay attention to fleet monitoring and tracking tools and devices, in order to ensure that the operation is flowing as expected or not, and thus control any delays or changes in plans, for example. 

Speaking of more modern technologies, solutions such as drones, IoT, blockchain and logistics data driven these are also novelties that are under the attention of the logistics sector. In the case of drones, the use of this tool for the active delivery of orders is still low; however, we have already seen its use for warehouse monitoring and inventory counting. The use of IoT is also more frequent in warehouses, but the devices can also be well used for vehicle supply and control. 

There are companies that already use blockchain to ensure an even safer operation and transaction. The technology can be used for stock tracking, to improve freight and transportation, to ensure authenticity verification, in addition to billing and payment security and the entire transparency of the process. Already the concept of data driven in logistics is the application of intelligent data in the operation, that is, structuring all available information and database to promote a more efficient operation and decision-making based on data. 

These solutions, and all others discussed, are commercially available for immediate application. However, it is necessary to remember and reinforce that each company has a different level of maturity. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze each case separately and which tools will make sense for each business. I say it and I repeat: in the journey of digital transformation, there is no point in wanting to skip steps. Understand where your company is, what are the bottlenecks in your operation, what are your main pains to be solved in order to make investments in smart technology that can actually change your company's pointer.

*Angela Gheller, Director of Logistics Products at TOTVS

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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