
InterSAP Web, software developed by Macdata Tecnologia, is capable of fully managing legal processes, from electronic document management to Risk and Legal Provisioning. With an online platform, the program can be accessed anywhere that has an internet connection, in addition to not having a limit of registered users and data storage.
“The great novelty is that InterSAP offers the possibility of being integrated with other calculation systems, such as Procálculo. Productivity and reliability gains can be easily measured and reliable”, says Antonio Carlos Alvim de Macedo, director of Macdata.
In InterSAP, the user can: manage the entire life cycle of civil, tax and labor processes, as well as store them with all the documentation for consultation; expedite legal payments without loss of time; carry out an effective management of legal risk and carry out the adequate provisioning of its labor claims. The system also offers a set of indicators aimed at preventive and corrective management measures, based on consolidated numbers and proactive management by the legal department and managers in general, reducing the incidence of new labor lawsuits based on learning.
Used by law firms and corporate legal departments, InterSAP serves companies such as Eaton, Mahle Metal Leve, Líder Telecom, Banestado, among others.

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