
By * Alejandro Couce

The current business environment has turned each company into a data company. At each stage, they need to interconnect everything with everything to have a better visibility of the data. Outsourcing of information technology is in the past and now organizations need to solve their problems internally. However, today, different lines of business need to access these digital tools to identify opportunities and solve problems, reducing costs and benefiting from innovations.

Within this scenario, the technology consultancy Gartner points out that the automation of tasks in data science will be 40% higher in 2020. That is why productivity and the use of analyzes will increase in terms of the citizen data science profile, capable of generating models who use advanced diagnostics or predictive and prescriptive resources, but whose main function is outside of statistics or analysis.

Nowadays, making better and immediate decisions is something that all organizations want, where all sectors and areas of the company are able to work with data in real time. For that, it is necessary that companies have a digital business technology platform. According to data from the European Union, the future is digital and we already live it, since 45% of jobs in 2020 will be related to the digital environment.

Whether in the cloud or on devices that work on the basis of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is better that the digital business technology platform is based on modern and similar integration technologies. This allows the platform to use current technologies, including microservices (allows individual services to be implemented and scaled independently), serverless architectures, event-based architectures and machine learning, among others. This combination allows for data-based decisions.

For digital transformation to be effective, hardware, software, people and processes are needed, benefiting from everything they have to offer, and not only to act intelligently and in real time, but to learn and improve over time. path, which is what allows a company to stand out - and with digital technological platforms it is possible. Ready to build (or evolve) your digital business platform?

* Alejandro Couce is general manager of TIBCO for Latin America and the Caribbean

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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