
A recent study by AT Kearney, a business management consultancy positioned among the four largest in the world, points out that intelligent systems are already reshaping the most varied industries and that companies need to run and prepare to surf the new wave of innovation. The good news, according to the analysis carried out by the consultancy, is that the biggest changes are still to come, and there is time for companies to create winning Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategies.
The emergence of a technology capable of teaching machines to think like people has numerous implications for workers, companies, industries and the economy as a whole. Entitled "Will you embrace AI fast enough", the study predicts that, in companies, AI will redesign the roles of professionals – from sales and marketing to back office management functions. In IT departments, for example, cognitive systems are already promoting significant changes, replacing very well paid for machines capable of monitoring, diagnosing and correcting failures.
AT Kearney points out that the industry invested over US$ 2.5 billion in AI between 2014 and 2017. Self-driving car technologies received the largest percentage of this capital (around 20%).
Furthermore, the analysis revealed some factors that have stimulated the development of AI, especially in the area of machine learning. Among them, AT Kearney highlights:
• Computational power
The dramatic increase in computer processing speeds allows systems to collect and process huge volumes of data very quickly. Today information is processed 10 to 100 times faster, accelerating the growth of intelligent computer networking models.
• Costs
Costs drop as speeds increase, optimizing machine learning investments. With the cost of 1 million transistors dropping by about 33% per year, capital demands decrease while potential payback grows.
• Availability of talent
The growing interest of technology students in AI has led universities to create programs focused on this technology.
• Cultural acceptance
Cultural resistances to AI fall as consumers become increasingly comfortable with "smart" features in everyday items.
Adoption leaders
The study points out that AI is already advancing from the back office to operational activities in companies, including the generation of legal documents, consumer services and even financial advice. However, it is the tech giants that are ahead in the commercialization of AI. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft and other digital-age heavyweights see artificial intelligence as an opportunity to transform not just the tech industry, but a good chunk of the economy. For these organizations, according to the AT Kearney study, maintaining a leadership position in the next wave of technological disruption is a strategic imperative.
“Seeing the big tech companies at the forefront of AI development is no big surprise. What draws attention is the enthusiasm of large and traditional representatives of the industry, such as GE and Ford”, analyzes Mark Essle, partner at AT Kearney in Brazil. “These companies recognize the importance of cognitive technology for the digital transformation of their core businesses. Both plan to create new and better products while opening markets with services enabled by AI technology.”
To advance in AI
The transformation promoted by artificial intelligence starts with visionary leadership. “The companies that have come out ahead are led by executives capable of embracing cognitive technology as part of a strategic effort that will lead to the next wave of evolution. Innovation drives the corporate culture in these companies,” says Essle.

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