Intel Brasil, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and the Ministry of Education (MEC) announced, on February 27, 2013, incentives for research and development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in areas of national interest. The action includes direct investments by Intel in research and development and innovation (RD&I) and is aligned with the Federal Government's Strategic Software and Information Technology Services Program (TI Maior), which aims to increase ICT activities in the country.

With the agreement, Intel will finance research at Brazilian universities in the area of ICT for the education, energy and transport sectors. The Federal Government will offer – through a notice – scholarships to students and researchers, with a broad incentive program for R&D activities. Intel's expectation is to mobilize up to 300 researchers, including collaborators, university researchers and scholarship holders, over the next five years, totaling an investment of R$ 300 million by the company in Brazil. The energy, transport and education segments will be priorities in research projects.

For these three sectors, the focus will be on the development of software solutions, such as visualization and simulation tools for oil extraction in the pre-salt layer, educational software, high-performance computing, technologies for electronic car registration and solutions based in cutting-edge technologies with the aim of increasing efficiency in passenger and cargo traffic management, in addition to security solutions. 

In Brazil, this alliance begins with work focused on the development of security and encryption solutions for systems-on-a-chip in low energy consumption environments involving six projects presented by researchers from seven universities: Unicamp, USP, UnB, UFMG, PUC-PR, UFPR and UTFPR. 

Photo: Fernando Martins, President of Intel Brasil, speaks at a ceremony held at MCTI

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