
The company is responsible for donating equipment and setting up a multimedia studio used by public school students and teachers

Estúdio Verde, a project by the TIVIT Institute, helps students from schools in São Paulo to carry out audiovisual projects, preparing them to enter the job market.

The studios delivered by TIVIT in schools have microphones, cameras, computers and other equipment that students and teachers can use to conduct remote classes, record videos, podcasts and other audiovisual communication projects for students. The project has a great impact on the lives of these young people who can enjoy this technology for free and adding to the quality of teaching in schools.

For Helder Miranda, director of the Leopoldo Santana school, which has TIVIT's green studio, this project is very important and helps to bring students' projects to life. “The Malala Yousafzai studio was a turning point for our school in many ways. The different languages it makes possible reach our territory and certainly reverberate the power and protagonism of our kids.” it says.

Another school with a studio set up by TIVIT is the state institution Luiz Gonzaga. “I have already used the studio for an incredible project called Respect for Diversity, where we talk about prejudice, the way of life and the rights of LGBTQIA+ people, women and black people,” says student Alice Campana.

The TIVIT Institute works with young people from public schools in order to prepare them for the job market through technical training. The Institute has volunteer teachers and collaborators from TIVIT itself. Currently, it has trained more than 600 young people for the job market through classes and lectures on the technology market. “We are very proud of the Estúdio Verde project for being a resource capable of helping students with their projects and at the same time preparing young people for the technology market”, says Paulo Freitas, CEO of TIVIT.

This year, the company will continue the project by revitalizing a computerized room for the Institution Casa da Criança e do Jovens in Santo Amaro. More than 4.5 tons of materials have already been reused and this year the multinational estimates the recycling of more than 2.5 tons.

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