
Create opportunities to support young people in the construction and realization of their life projects. This is one of the goals of Instituto Ser+, an NGO whose mission is to promote the personal, citizen and professional development of young people in social vulnerability, so that they can act as protagonists in their own lives.

Ser+ is a partner of the RH Tech Platform, an ABES initiative that aims to encourage the development and entry of new talents into the job market, discuss employability and the future of work, in addition to closing the gap between high demand and lack of professionals for the IT sector.

Social inclusion

To accelerate its trajectory of social impact, the institute aims to be a reference in the social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities, through its own social technology, with tools that encourage self-knowledge and self-esteem, allowing young people to discover their talents. .

“At Instituto Ser +, we believe that each young person is a power that just needs a good opportunity to take off. In spite of that, in the last two years we have been following dismal statistics on the youth of our country: around 12 million young people are out of school and out of the job market. We need to reverse this situation”, explains Sofia Esteve, President of Ser+.

In 2021, the NGO trained more than 6,100 young people through its different programs, with projects carried out in 5 states: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul.


Career Acceleration – 18 to 24 years old
Initiatives that encourage training, focusing on the development of leadership skills.

Apprenticeship (Young Apprentice) – 16 to 24 years old
Courses focused on different areas, from administration and industrial production to pharmaceuticals, based on professional learning legislation.

Connections – 15 to 17 years old
Initiatives that promote citizen, personal and professional development, along with specific topics such as technology, new media, photography and others.

Diversity – 18 years and older
Initiatives that promote personal and professional development for specific audiences such as women, black and brown people, the LGBTQ+ group and people with disabilities.

In Company – 18 to 29 years old
Initiatives that promote personal and professional training, focusing on technology, the financial market, e-commerce and customer service, designed in conjunction with partners.

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