Siemens Innovation Award 2015, aimed at students from universities certified by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) in Brazil, with the objective of encouraging young people to think about how digitalization can transform the country's future, is open until the end of the year. July 30th. “The ideas originated through this project should bring benefits to society, because today digital technology is increasingly present in our lives, whether in cell phones, gas turbines, medical equipment or complex systems in industry”, explains Ronald Dauscha, director of innovation at Siemens Brazil.
The project can be presented individually or in groups of up to three members, and candidates can choose one or more of these categories: Future of Industry, Smart Infrastructure, Sustainable Energy and Health Care. “For us, digitalization means the meeting of the real world with the virtual and technological trends, such as Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Smart Data are guiding this transition”, he concludes.
The prizes for the winners are: a trip to Europe, including a visit to a smart factory (first place), a special ticket for three days of the Formula 1 GP, with a visit to the pits (second place), and an iPhone 6 (third place) .
Interested parties should access the website The finalists will be announced on August 31st and the award ceremony is scheduled for September 8th.

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