
With the aim of strengthening the culture of personal data protection in Brazil, ABES will promote the first class of “General Data Protection Law Training: Introduction and Good Practices” 2024. This free training, which will take place on March 15, from 8am to 12pm, will be held online and live, ensuring a practical and interactive experience for participants.

This training will cover all fundamental aspects of the LGPD (Law 13,709/18), ensuring that representatives and employees of associated companies fully understand the established legal principles and the impacts of this legislation on daily work activities. “In addition, we will provide guidance on security measures and essential good practices to ensure compliance with the law”, highlights Thomaz Côrte Real, ABES Legal Consultant and training coordinator.

With a workload of 4 hours, the objective of the activity is to train participants to implement best practices in the processing of personal data, thus strengthening public trust and avoiding possible legal sanctions. “Through this specialized training, we hope to contribute to the appropriate development of the use of personal data in Brazil”, added Thomaz.


Event: Training on LGPD: Introduction and Good Practices

Date: March 15, 2024

Hour: 08h


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