
It is now available notice of the Inova Sustainability Plan, launched on 11/29, at a meeting of the Business Mobilization for Innovation (MEI), in São Paulo. This is a joint initiative by Finep, BNDES and the Environment, with the objective of encouraging investments in the environmental area, with the promotion of innovative solutions capable of mitigating the impacts of productive activities on the environment.
With a budget allocation of R$ 2 billion, divided equally between Finep and BNDES, for operations contracted in the period from 2014 to 2016, Inova Sustainability will have four main thematic lines: sustainable production; recovery of Brazilian biomes and promotion of sustainable forest-based productive activities; environmental sanitation; and monitoring of environmental disasters.
The joint action of government agencies will provide greater coordination of government actions in fostering innovation and better integration of instruments to support research, development and innovation available to the sector.
Companies interested in developing innovations in thematic lines must send a Letter of Expression of Interest, in digital media, by 6 pm (Brasília time) on 01/17/2014.
Inventa explains the Program
In order to facilitate understanding, Inventta has prepared a brief summary with more objective information on the subject.
The Inova Sustainability Program is a joint initiative of the BNDES, FINEP, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), with the objective of supporting Business Plans focused on the development and application of innovative solutions that contribute to sustainable development in Brazil.
Resources in the total amount of R$ 2 billion will be made available for operations contracted between 2014 and 2016, in the modalities: Economic Subsidy, Non-Refundable Resources for cooperative projects between ICTs and Companies, Credit and Variable Income Instruments.
Thematic lines
1- Sustainable production:
– Energy efficiency in the industrial sector;
– More efficient sustainable production of charcoal;
– Prevention and control of atmospheric emissions;
– Treatment and reduction in the use of toxic or dangerous substances;
– Collection, treatment, reduction and reuse of industrial liquid effluents;
– Reduction, reuse and recycling of industrial solid waste, as well as treatment and recovery of degraded areas.
2- Restoration of Brazilian Biomes and Fostering Forest-based Sustainable Productive Activities:
– Recovery of Brazilian biomes, through the development of integrated territorial solutions for the restoration of biomes with native species and the use of georeferenced information systems;
– Solutions related to Tropical Wood, aimed at:Increasing productivity in forest management units and processing in sawmills; Wood traceability and use of new wood species for commercial purposes; Adding value to wood products.
3- Environmental sanitation:
– Treatment, recovery, recycling, energy use and disposal of urban solid waste;
– Solutions related to water supply, treatment and drainage, such as: Water supply systems focused on loss control and network optimization; Water treatment in water scarce regions, including desalination and brackish water treatment; Urban drainage;
-Treatment and recovery of by-products generated in the treatment of sanitary sewage;
– Collection, transport, sorting, decontamination and treatment of materials in reverse logistics systems;
– Remediation of contaminated soils.
4- Environmental monitoring and prevention of natural disasters:
– Environmental sensor systems applicable to the monitoring and prevention of natural disasters, especially for pluviometry and geotechnics;
– Systems for monitoring risk areas from airborne or satellite sensors.
Public: Only independent companies or companies belonging to economic groups that present gross operating revenue (ROB) equal to or greater than R$ 16 million or more and shareholders' equity equal to or greater than R$ 4 million in the last fiscal year may submit proposals for Business Plans, as Leading Company. . Plans can be submitted individually or in partnership with companies of any size or scientific and technological research institutions.
Scope: the selected projects must foresee investments in at least one of the following items: Technological Development, Pilot Lots or Pioneer Applications.
Minimum value: Business Plans must have a minimum value of R$ 5 million, with an execution period of up to 60 months, and must be fully developed in the national territory.
Participation: up to 90% of the total amount.         

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