Industries and research centers in the aerospace, aeronautics, defense and public security sectors will have R$ 2.9 billion for investment in technological innovation programs, according to the public selection notice for the Inova Aerodefesa plan, launched by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marco Antônio Raupp.
Inova Aerodefesa destina R$ 2,9 bilhões para programas de inovação tecnológicaPart of the Inova Empresa Plan, launched in March by President Dilma Rousseff, Inova Aerodefesa aims to strengthen the sector through strategic actions that encourage partnerships between the private sector and research institutions, with credit decentralization and economic subsidy.
With funds from the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep/MCTI) and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), the public notice is divided into four thematic lines: Aerospace, involving space propulsion, space platforms and satellites and the development of more efficient efficient; Defense, for sensors and remote sensing for defense, command and control systems and subsystems for defense; Public Security, for the development of innovations in biometric identification systems, information systems and various types of non-lethal weapons; and Special Materials, for various applications and in the defense industry, including steel-based metal alloys.
Brazilian companies and/or Brazilian economic groups with Gross Operating Revenue (ROB) equal to or greater than R$ 16 million or shareholders' equity equal to or greater than R$ 4 million in the last year, called Leading Companies, may participate in the selection process of Inova Aerodefesa.
They may apply individually or in partnership, as long as they are interested in undertaking the production and commercialization of products or services adhering to the technologies related to the themes. Proposals from companies with ROB below this limit and from scientific and technological institutions (ICTs) are subject to the formalization of partnerships with Leading Companies.
With financial support, it is intended to encourage the consolidation of the entire production chain of these sectors, considered strategic within the Inova Empresa Plan, created to distribute resources for innovation, aiming to reach new levels of competitiveness throughout the country.
The Inova Empresa Plan provides for the articulation of different ministries and support through credit and financing, totaling R$ 32.9 billion, to be applied in innovation until 2014.
The funds are intended for Brazilian companies of all sizes that have innovative projects. The plan supports sectors considered a priority by the government, such as health, aerospace and defense, energy, oil and gas, socio-environmental sustainability and information technology.

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