
IBGE constata que 74,5% prefeituras têm página na internetOf the 5565 Brazilian municipalities, 95% (5,289) provided some form of remote assistance in 2012, with internet assistance being the most frequent (88.7%). Data are from the Municipal Basic Information Survey (MUNIC 2012), carried out by IBGE in 2012 with city halls. 

Organized into ten chapters in which relevant aspects of the management and structure of municipalities are highlighted, the survey also found that 74.5% of the municipalities have an internet page, but only 11.2% (466) declared that their pages are accessible to people with deficiency. 
MUNIC also investigated the existence of a digital inclusion policy or plan, and 90.5% (5,034) of the municipalities reported developing them. As for digital inclusion projects and actions, 76.8% declared having installed computers in the municipal public education network and 76.2% reported the creation of telecenters. 
For the first time, MUNIC investigated whether the city government guarantees access to the internet via wi-fi connection, concluding that only 795 (14.3%) municipalities offer these services, and in 744 (13.4%) access is free, in 382 (6.9%) coverage is restricted to some neighborhoods in the urban area and in 181 (3.3%) there is coverage in both urban and rural areas.
In addition to communication and the internet, this version of the survey investigated the human resources of municipal administrations, legislation and planning instruments, resources for management, transport, culture, social assistance, public safety, the environment, food and nutrition security. . The thematic updating of the research contributes to the implementation of efficient sectoral policies, through the understanding of the dynamics that the respective phenomena have been acquiring at the local scale.
The complete publication is available on the IBGE website:

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