In order to encourage the creation of innovative apps, the Young Entrepreneurs Committee (CJE) of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp) released the names of the three winning apps of the third edition of the Hackathon: Anana, Live Cube and Renault Connect.
"We innovated in this third edition by having the automotive category, which shows that programmers, who we call 'good hackers', are revolutionizing not only the internet, media and advertising, but also the industry", commented the head of the CJE/Fiesp, Sylvio Gomide.
Against food waste
The winner in the Innovation for Society area, which seeks applications that collaborate in the areas of safety, health and education, was the Anana application. Through it, restaurants, retailers, industries and producers can donate surplus food to non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The group was formed by Carolina Augusta Alves de Godoy (business), Karina Martins (business), Beatriz Ferreira de Assis (designer), Homã Alvico (business), Phelipe Ramos Correa (developer) and Guilherme Henrique Rojas (developer).
“Our difference is that we have hardware that has a very low price. And we were able to put it on each load to track and make sure that the donation reached its destination, in addition to alerting if there is any change, such as the removal of any food", explained Carolina. "We also guarantee quality, as we also monitor temperature and humidity, which makes it possible to donate perishables and solves the legal problem, as many people stop donating because they cannot guarantee the quality of food when it reaches those in need" .
live cube
With affection as inspiration, the PoliMoto group created the Live Cube application and won in the Electronic Industry category. The project allows parents to interact privately with their children, exchanging messages, passing tasks and even monitoring their location and mood.
“The social networks and tools available today ended up becoming weak for this bond of affection. A Facebook message is something cold. In our app, the father will leave exclusive things for the son and not for friends and co-workers to come”, argued Ezequiel França Santos, one of the project's developers, along with Gilmar Junior (designer), Humberto Vieira Castro (developer) , Mario Roberto Suruagy de Castro (business) and Rafael Macito Zils (business)
In the Automotive Industry category, which had Renault as a sponsor, the winning group was Next5, formed by Jefferson da Silva Cunha (developer), Cláuffer Luiz Silva (business), William Walter Silva (business) and Flavio Assis Santana (designer). They created the creator of Renault Connect, an application that monitors vehicle data to help the owner get a diagnosis of the car and carry out the necessary maintenance, without taking any risks.
“The car generates information, which goes to the My Renault website, and our application reads this data, such as mileage, average fuel consumption, airbag or ABS problems, and alerts the owner about the needs”, said William Silva. In addition to receiving the awards given to all, the members of the winning group in the automotive category won a trip from Renault to Paris, where they will visit the headquarters of the French automaker.


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