
Websites, portals and social networks will capture suggestions until 02/28
On 01/28, the Federal Government promoted the opening of a public debate on the regulation of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet and the personal data protection law, during an event held in Brasília (DF). In addition to representatives from different entities, universities and companies, several authorities were also present at the event: Eduardo Cardozo (Minister of Justice); Aldo Rebelo (Minister of Science and Technology); Juca Ferreira (Minister of Culture); Ricardo Berzoini (Minister of Communications); Alessandro Molon (Federal Deputy PT/RJ); Gabriel Sampaio (Secretariat of Legislative Affairs – MJ); and Juliana Pereira (National Consumer Secretariat – MJ). ABES was represented by Manoel dos Santos, the association's legal director.
On the occasion, the Ministry of Justice launched two internet portals to capture suggestions from society on the two subjects. Twitter and Facebook will also be auxiliary channels for discussions on social networks. The purpose of the public consultation is to receive contributions in a democratic and participatory manner.
"The regulation of the Marco Civil da Internet and the discussion on the law for the protection of personal data certainly could not be carried out within the cabinets, without popular participation", reinforced the Minister of Communications, Ricardo Berzoini.
The Marco Civil da Internet (Law 12.965/2014), which establishes principles, guarantees, rights and duties for the use of the Internet in Brazil, was approved last year by the National Congress. Although the law has already entered into force, some points still need to be regulated. This regulation will be done in a collaborative way, using a participatory platform. The debate on the regulation of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet will be based on four axes: neutrality; network privacy; access logs; other considerations.
The public debate on the draft law for the protection of personal data will also have an exclusive portal to receive comments and suggestions on the text. The purpose of this law is to guarantee and protect, in the processing of personal data available on the internet, the dignity and fundamental rights of the person, particularly in relation to their freedom, equality and personal and family privacy.
Citizens' participation in the public debate on these two topics can be done at the following addresses until 02/28:

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