
The Secretariat of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (SDECTI) launched on February 6, at its headquarters in São Paulo, a portal with two platforms: “Pró Municípios” developed by the Technological Research Institute (IPT) and “ E-Muove”, partnership with Investe SP and Muove Brasil. The systems will be made available on  with the proposal to offer information, indicators, assistance and various technologies aimed at the support, planning and management of public policies in cities.
According to the deputy governor and secretary of SDECTI, Márcio França, the platforms will be great allies in the process of socioeconomic development of the municipalities. “Managing cities with lean resources is not a simple task. Our goal is to offer the manager the necessary support for making decisions that contribute to public policies, and in this way, improve the population's quality of life. The new portal will provide, in addition to information, technical support and training for the preparation of successful actions”, he emphasizes.

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