
The objective is to boost investments in innovation in the State
On June 22, the Government of São Paulo launched the “Movement for Innovation”. Conducted by Desenvolvimento SP – Agência de Desenvolvimento Paulista, the objective is to bring researchers, startups and companies closer to development institutions in order to boost investments in innovation in the State.
The initiative has the support of FAPESP, the Technological Research Institute (IPT), the Paula Souza Center, Sebrae-SP, the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and as well as investment funds and technology parks.
The Movement will periodically bring together supporting institutions and multilateral organizations in the field of innovation and research to guide and assist individually – within incubators, accelerators and universities and technology parks – those interested in developing innovative projects.
In these meetings, the expectation is to support entrepreneurs in the definition of action, with guidance on how to obtain sustainable credit for investments, indication for a possible subsidy or seek direct contributions through investment funds, among other available options.
“We want to show that innovation is within everyone's reach. In addition, by shortening the distance between research centers, companies and development institutions, the scientific knowledge produced can be transformed more quickly into successful products and businesses, generating wealth for society and the development of the country”, said Milton Luiz de Melo Santos, president of Desenvolvimento SP.
Desenvolvimento SP is responsible for offering exclusive credit lines for innovative projects with special conditions and also for transferring resources from Finep and BNDES. The institution also works with five Equity Investment Funds (FIP) for direct investment, among them the Fundo de Inovação Paulista, created by Desenvolvimento SP itself, and which has Sebrae-SP, FAPESP and Finep as investors.
The first event of the “Movement for Innovation” will be on 6/3/29 and 7/3, at Parque Tecnológico de São Carlos (ParqTec), when the Desenvolvimento SP team will provide individual assistance to entrepreneurs, to clear up doubts and give referrals to innovation project. To participate in this meeting, it is necessary to make a pre-scheduling by e-mail or telephone (16) 3362 6262.
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