
Speaker Ricardo Jucá shows how to improve
personal productivity with the DONE model
Time is a scarce asset and there is always more work and activities to be done than hours available. Based on this reality, Ricardo Jucá, speaker and partner of the Atingire company, stressed that people must take the lead in managing their time. The event, exclusively for ABES members and part of the entity's 30th anniversary celebration calendar, took place on October 19, in São Paulo, and brought together an enthusiastic group of participants.
Jucá spoke of the relevance of establishing the goals clearly, preparing the list of tasks - short, medium and long term - and, mainly, defining priorities and executing without rushing. One of the tips was to adopt task management applications, which the speaker calls "external brain". It is an important tool in providing a global view of activities, which allows day-to-day planning and management of unexpected work, which always appears.  

Mmethod DONE

The DONE method, presented and developed by Jucá and the other partners of Atingire, consists of four sequential steps, which are repeated in a continuous cycle: Directing, Organizing, Naming and Executing.
The directing is the initial stage, in which people must clearly define the drivers of their work: purpose, vision, values and, in particular, goals. “With clear guidelines, to be productive we need to constantly organize work possibilities”, pondered Jucá.
Then, it's time to name the choices, that is, to prioritize things. “This is perhaps the most important step in the method, which involves organizing and naming. There are several problems that we tackle here: we learn to deal with things that are not important; with the mistake of working on something, without first defining the expected result; we understand what are the inefficient actions to achieve a goal; and we see the waste of hours, when people insist on doing several things at the same time and without focus ”.
Finally, the next step is to carry out the prioritized actions, because nothing that has been done up to this point will be worth anything if the plan is not actually carried out. One should not lose focus or divert attention with so-called “time wasters” (e-mails, long meetings and interruptions, such as social networks).

Participants praised the event
Fernanda Sartori, business manager at MS Tech, approved the event and said that the way of conducting the presentation brought very real examples from day to day. "We learned a practical tool, a tool that we will be able to implement in our routine quickly," he noted. Ting Yang, director of SA - Softing Applications, positively evaluated the lecture and declared that he managed to identify inefficient processes and attitudes and, at the same time, obtained suggestions to systematize his way of working a little more. 
The next lecture will take place on November 9th and will be on Financial Management. Follow ABES 'portal and social networks for more information about this event.    

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