
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) solutions are becoming search engine replacements

By 2026, traditional search volume on search engines will fall by 25%, with search marketing losing market share to AI-powered chatbots and other virtual agents, according to a forecast from Gartner, the world leader in business research and advice.

“Organic and paid search are vital channels for technology marketers who want to achieve awareness and demand growth goals,” he says Alan Antin, Vice President and Analyst at Gartner. “Solutions for Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) are becoming alterative response engines, replacing user queries that were previously only executed through traditional search engines. This will force companies to rethink their marketing strategies as Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) becomes incorporated into all areas of companies.” 

Quality and authenticity will be key as virtual agents replace traditional search

With Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) reducing the cost of content production, there is an impact on activities including keyword strategy and domain authority ranking of websites. Search engine algorithms will value content quality even more to compensate for the large amount of information generated by Artificial Intelligence, as content usefulness and quality still reign supreme for success in organic search results.

There will also be a greater emphasis on watermarking and other means to authenticate high-value content. The regulations government Around the world are already holding companies accountable as they begin to demand identification of marketing materials created by Artificial Intelligence. This will likely play a role in how search engines display this digital content.

“Companies will need to focus on producing unique content that is useful to customers and potential consumers,” says the Gartner analyst. “Content must continue to demonstrate search quality rating elements such as knowledge, experience, authority and trustworthiness,” warns Alan Antin.

The Gartner High Tech program equips technology leaders and their teams with role-based best practices, industry insights, and strategic views on emerging trends and market shifts to achieve their mission-critical priorities and build successful organizations tomorrow. Additional information is available at and the cGartner customers can read more at “Predicts 2024: How GenAI Will Reshape Tech Marketing”          Follow Gartner High Tech news and updates on X and in LinkedIn using #GartnerHT. Visit the Gartner newsroom for more information and insights.

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