
Gartner, a world leader in research and advice for businesses, predicts that by 2028, 75% of software engineers Businesses will use code assistants with Artificial Intelligence (AI). New research from Gartner shows that this figure represents an increase from the less than 10% recorded in early 2023, and that 63% of companies are currently testing, deploying or have already deployed AI code assistants.

Artificial Intelligence code assistants offer additional capabilities beyond code generation and completion. They are collaborative assistants that improve developers' efficiency by stimulating brainstorming and increasing code quality, which enables developers to continually improve their skills as well as proficiency in programming frameworks. The enablers offered by AI code assistants lead to greater job satisfaction and retention, thereby saving costs associated with turnover.

“Software engineering leaders must determine return on investment (ROI) and build business cases as they expand their implementations of AI code assistants,” says Philip Walsh, Principal Senior Analyst at Gartner. “However, traditional return on investment frameworks steer engineering leaders toward metrics centered on cost reduction. This limited perspective does not capture the full value of AI code assistants.” 

Reframing conversations around return on investment (ROI) is critical to capturing the full value of AI code assistants:

Traditional return on investment (ROI) frameworks fail to capture the full value of AI code assistants. To build an effective value story that extends beyond traditional metrics, software engineering leaders must reframe the conversation from cost reduction to value creation. 

Importance of Artificial Intelligence Code Assistants 

Source: Gartner (April 2024)

“Calculating time savings in code generation is a good starting point for building a more robust value story,” says Walsh. “To convey the full business value trajectory of AI code assistants, software engineering leaders must connect value enablers to impacts and then analyze the overall return to business. company.”

Gartner clients can read more at “How to Communicate the Value of AI Code Assistants“. Learn how to identify custom focus areas for improvement using Gartner Software Engineering Leader Effectiveness Diagnostic. Learn more about implementing Artificial Intelligence in the enterprise in the free Gartner Thinkcast “Generative AI in 2024: How to Move From Experimentation to Implementation.”

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