
O Gartner, a world leader in research and advice for companies, announces the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends that companies need to explore in 2024.

Bart Willemsen, Vice President of Analytics at Gartner

“Technological transformations and socioeconomic uncertainties require a willingness to act boldly and strategically to improve resilience rather than improvised responses,” said Bart Willemsen, Vice President of Analytics at Gartner. “IT leaders are in a unique position to strategically chart a path where technology investments help maintain their business success in the face of these uncertainties and pressures.”

“They and other executives must evaluate the impacts and benefits of technological trends, but this is no easy task due to the growth of tecnologic innovation“, states Chris Howard, Vice President and Head of Research at Gartner. “Generative Artificial Intelligence and other types of technology offer new opportunities and drive various trends. However, deriving business value from the lasting use of Artificial Intelligence requires a disciplined approach to widespread adoption, along with attention to risks.”

Gartner predicts that key strategic technology trends for 2024 are:

– Democratized Generative Artificial Intelligence: Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is democratizing through the confluence of massively pre-trained models, Cloud computing and open source, making it accessible to professionals around the world. By 2026, Gartner predicts that more than 80% of companies will have used APIs and Generative Artificial Intelligence models and/or deployed technology-enabled applications in their production environments, which represents an increase from the less than 5% recorded in early 2023. Generative Artificial Intelligence applications can make vast sources of information — internal and external — accessible and available to professionals. This means that the rapid adoption of this technology will significantly democratize knowledge and skills within companies. Advanced language models allow companies to connect their workers to knowledge in a conversational way, with rich semantic understanding.

– Trust, Risk and Security Management of Artificial Intelligence (TRiSM): The democratization of access to Artificial Intelligence has made it necessary to Technology Trust, Risk and Security Management (TRiSM) even more urgent and clear. Without guidelines, Artificial Intelligence models can quickly generate negative effects that spiral out of control, masking any positive performance and gains for society that the technology enables. Artificial Intelligence Trust, Risk and Security Management provides tools for ModelOps, proactive data protection, AI-specific security, model monitoring (including data drift, model and/or unintended results) and controls risk for inputs and outputs of third-party models and applications. Gartner predicts that by 2026, companies that apply Artificial Intelligence Trust, Risk and Security Management controls will increase the accuracy of their decision-making, eliminating up to 80% of bad or illegitimate information.

– Development Aided by Artificial Intelligence: Development aided by Artificial Intelligence is the use of technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, to help software engineers with their application design, coding, and testing. A software engineering assisted by Artificial Intelligence improves developer productivity and enables development teams to meet the growing demand for business software. These AI-infused development tools enable software engineers to spend less time writing code, so they can spend more time on more strategic activities, such as designing and composing compelling business applications.

-Smart Applications: Smart applications include intelligence as a capability. Gartner defines this as learned adaptation to respond appropriately and autonomously. This intelligence can be used in many cases to improve or automate work. As a fundamental capability, intelligent applications include several services based on Artificial Intelligence, such as Machine Learning, vector storage and connected data. As a result, intelligent applications offer experiences that dynamically adapt to users. There is a clear need and demand for intelligent applications. About 26% of CEOs in the 2023 Gartner Survey of CEOs and Senior Business Executives cited the talent shortage as the most damaging risk for their companies. Attracting and retaining professionals is a top workforce priority for CEOs, while Artificial Intelligence has been named as the technology that will have the most significant impact on their industries over the next three years.

– Continuous Threat Exposure Management: Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is a pragmatic and systematic approach that enables companies to continually and consistently assess the accessibility, exposure, and exploitability of a company's digital and physical assets. Aligning Continuous Threat Exposure Management assessment and remediation areas with threat vectors or business projects rather than an infrastructure component reveals not only vulnerabilities but also uncorrectable threats. By 2026, Gartner predicts that companies that prioritize their security investments based on a Continuous Threat Exposure Management program will achieve a two-thirds reduction in breaches.

– Machine Customers: Also called 'custobots', the Machine Customers are non-human economic actors who can autonomously negotiate and purchase goods and services in exchange for payment. By 2028, there will be 15 billion connected products with the potential to act as customers, with billions more to be launched in the coming years. This growth trend will be the source of trillions of dollars in revenue by 2030 and will eventually become more significant than the arrival of digital commerce. Strategic considerations should include opportunities to facilitate these algorithms and devices or even create new costbots.

– Sustainable Technology: Sustainable technology is a set of digital solutions used to advance environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes that support long-term ecological balance and human rights. The use of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, cryptocurrencies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing is raising concerns about the energy consumption and its environmental impacts. This makes it even more critical to ensure that IT use becomes more efficient, circular and sustainable. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs will see their personal compensation tied to the impact of their sustainable technology.

– Platform Engineering: Platform engineering is the discipline of building and operating internal, self-service development platforms. Each platform is a layer, created and maintained by a dedicated product team, designed to meet the needs of its users by interacting with tools and processes. The goal of platform engineering is to optimize productivity, user experience and accelerate the delivery of business value.

– Industry Cloud Platforms: By 2027, Gartner predicts that more than 70% of enterprises will use industry cloud platforms (ICPs) to accelerate their business initiatives, which represents an increase from the 15% estimated for 2023. The platforms address business-relevant business outcomes. industry by combining underlying SaaS, PaaS and IaaS services into a complete offering with composable capabilities. These typically include a fabric of industry data, a library of packaged business capabilities, composition tools, and other platform innovations. The platforms are customized Cloud proposals specific to an industry and can be further adapted to the needs of companies.

This year's top strategic trends highlight the technologies that will drive significant disruption and opportunities for IT leaders over the next 36 months. Gartner clients can read more in the Special Report “Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2024“.

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