
The way we work is changing rapidly. The digitalization of productive activities, the introduction of smart technologies and the emergence of new forms of work organization are shaping a new society. These profound changes bring with them significant challenges, but also opportunities. To help people understand and prepare for these transformations, the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) organizes the webinar “Visions of Tomorrow: Navigating Transformations and Trends in the Future of Work”, to be held on April 4th, at 8:30 am.

The event, which will be attended by researchers from Think Tank ABES and special guests, aims to debate several relevant topics, the new skills required in the job market, the promotion of diversity and gender equality, the importance of retention of talent, the impact and possibilities of artificial intelligence and the trend towards hybrid work. To the registrations for the online meeting, which will have translation into pounds, are free and can be held via the Zoom platform.

Among the main challenges involving the future of work, the issue of qualification is one of the most urgent. Digital transformation demands constant training of professionals, whether to adapt to new ways of working or to use technological tools in their activities.

Therefore, the event promoted by ABES intends to discuss these and other issues, contributing to the understanding of the challenges and possibilities of the future of work. The entity's purpose is to contribute to the construction of a Digital and Less Unequal Brazil.

Come join us on this journey. We are excited for you to participate in this enriching meeting!


“Visions of Tomorrow: Navigating Transformations and Trends in the Future of Work”

April 4th, at 8:30 am

Free registration  


  • Ana Claudia Donner Abreu, Post-doctorate in the Engineering, Management and Knowledge Media Program at UFSC. Future of Work Researcher at Think Tank ABES
  • Patricia Araujo de Oliveira, PhD from the University of Malaga (Spain) Future of Work Researcher at Think Tank ABES
  • Mirella Moura Moro, PhD from the University of California (USA) Coordinator of the Digital Girls Program of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)
  • Luciano Maximo, AWS Senior Program Manager Leader of the ABES Future of Work Committee
  • Rodolfo Fücher, President of the ABES Council
  • Paulo Milliet Roque, President of ABES


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