
About 70 associations and entities sign an open letter to make authorities aware of the urgency of the extension, institutionalization and constitutionalization of data protection

The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) combined with the Data Protection Authority (ANPD) is necessary to define the correct treatment and ensure the proper protection and privacy of personal data at a time of transition to an increasingly society more digital. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), in 2025 we should reach the mark of 79 zetabytes of data generated worldwide. In view of this scenario, ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies and 69 other entities formed a Business Front, which represents about 70% of GDP, to demand the authorities to implement a regulatory environment, which provides adequate legal security for the entire Brazilian society in relation to the use and protection of your data. More than 10 representative sectors of the economy are gathered at the front, including education, health, transport, communication, advertising, industrial, commerce, information technology, condominiums and electronics, in addition to international business entities.

The Business Front in Defense of LGPD and Legal Security defends the creation of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) by the Presidency of the Republic; the speedy vote of MP 959/2020 by the National Congress, extending the entry into force of the LGPD to May 3, 2021; and the introduction of PEC 17/2019 also on the Voting agenda of the Chamber's Plenary. In order for the ANDP to be effectively created, a presidential decree is necessary, establishing the parameters of its structure and the appointment of 5 directors by the Presidency of the Republic to form the ANPD Directive Council. After their nomination, the 5 names must also be approved by the Federal Senate before being effectively installed.

"It is important to remember that the LGPD does not detail how personal data should be treated, but rather determines that the ANPD will be responsible for regulating this treatment. In this sense, the Business Front pleads for the entry into force of the LGPD to occur after the creation of the ANPD , as predicted in 2018. It would be like saying that everyone can have a car, but the body responsible for defining the traffic laws was not created. Imagine the confusion and the damage that this would cause. Unfortunately, Brazilian society is about to face this chaos, with regard to one of the most important items of modern society: the treatment and privacy of the data of its society ", explains Rodolfo Fücher, President of ABES.

"Since July 8 of last year, when the law authorizing the creation of the ANPD was sanctioned, we have waited for the Presidency of the Republic to publish the decree establishing the Authority. It is necessary to move forward. Brazilian society can no longer proceed without a definition, the absence of which will cause insecurity, increase the cost of Brazil and harm competitiveness on the international stage. It is also necessary that Congress move quickly in the vote of both MP 959, which loses effectiveness on August 26, and PEC 17 for the guarantee protection of privacy with legal certainty ", explains Andriei Gutierrez, ABES Regulatory Committee Coordinator.

José César da Costa, president of the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL), an entity that also makes up the Business Front, highlights the scenario of legal uncertainty that will be created without the extension of the LGPD: "It is essential that the law is complemented by the creation and entry into operation of the ANPD, which will be essential to guide the adequacy process and promote good practices in the treatment of personal data ", says Costa. The president of the CNDL also recalls that the extension of the LGPD is important for companies and citizens to adapt to the new guidelines of the legislation. "Companies are still reorganizing themselves in this moment of crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, readjusting themselves and prioritizing the maintenance of jobs and self-preservation. Adapting to the new legislation requires specifically targeted human and financial resources, in addition to clear guidance on the part of of the future ANPD. The extension is fundamental for the LGPD to be effective ", says Costa.

Another fundamental pillar for the realization of the normative framework for the protection of personal data and for legal security is the Constitutional Amendment Proposal No. 17 of 2019. PEC elevates protection of personal data to a constitutional right and guarantee and establishes the private competence of the Union to legislate on the topic, as well as establishes that the ANPD must be an independent entity, part of the indirect federal public administration and submitted to a special municipal regime. The entry into force of the LGPD without the approval of PEC n.17, will keep the dispute over competence fierce, allowing States and Municipalities to create laws to regulate and apply sanctions on the processing of personal data, including with the creation of Municipal Authorities and States, further increasing the current legal insecurity scenario,

To access the open letter and check all the institutions that support the movement, click on here .

Diagnosis LGPD ABES

ABES and EY created the online LGPD Diagnostic tool for companies to verify their suitability in relation to Data Protection Legislation. The solution consists of a confidential questionnaire through which companies can self-assess the different points required by law. After filling in, the tool offers a diagnosis as to the degree of adequacy of the company with suggestions contextualized to the result.

To use the tool, it is neither necessary nor possible to send personal or company information, such as name, CPF / CNPJ, among others. After completing the questionnaire, the PDF report is available for download with information regarding the level of suitability and suggestions for improvement - it is not possible to access this document later. The data, sent anonymously, generates the LGPD ABES Index on the compliance scenario of Brazilian companies in relation to the new law.

Since the launch of the tool, more than 1,200 diagnoses have been made, to make the diagnosis, click on here . The tool is free and available to all companies, whether they are ABES members or not.

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