
Mayor Gean Loureiro signed the decree at an event held at ACATE


The technology sector of Florianópolis gained on Friday, January 20, an important impulse with the signature, by the mayor Gean Loureiro, of the decree that creates the Municipal Innovation System, which includes, among other initiatives, the Municipal Innovation Fund , one of the most important demands of the capital's IT sector. The act of signing the decree, at the headquarters of the Catarinense Association of Technology Companies (ACATE), was attended by almost 100 entrepreneurs, representatives of entities (ACATE, Certi Foundation, Seinflo, Endeavor, Fapesc, ACIF) and councilors.
The creation of the Municipal Innovation Fund will allow public and private companies to provide financial resources - reimbursable or not - to support projects, studies and programs of individuals or companies, focused on innovation and developed in Florianópolis. At least 20% of the amounts received by the Fund must be invested in projects of micro and small companies and 10% will be destined for social inclusion programs.
The Complementary Municipal Law nº 432 also institutes the Tax Incentive Program for Innovation - a kind of “Rouanet Law for Innovation”, as stated by the Deputy Secretary of Technology of the Municipality, Marcus Rocha - which allows the capture of IPTU and ISS resources for projects of SMEs and individual microentrepreneurs. “The projects must have a duration of up to two years and the limit for funding is 50% of the company's billing. The taxpayer will be able to deduct up to 20% from the tax paid in development projects ”, highlighted Rocha.
“The representatives of the technology sector and the city hall had 15 days of intense work. All the guidelines that we have presented since the electoral period, to all candidates, are being discussed at the meetings that started this year, ”said Daniel Leipnitz, president of ACATE. “The technology sector does not need benefits, as it has already shown that it can develop. What was missing was an effective communication channel with the government to encourage new projects and programs ”, concluded Geraldo Otto, president of the Computer and Data Processing Companies Union of Florianópolis (Seinflo). Capital currently has around 900 technology-based companies, which earn more than R$ 4 billion per year and employ around 18 thousand employees.
In addition to the resources for entrepreneurs, the Municipal Innovation System provides for actions aimed at public management, such as the Sustainability Plan for the Municipal Executive and the Annual Public Sector Innovation Plan, using successful examples from other cities to encourage adoption by city hall, of innovative products and services developed by local entrepreneurs. “We want to create the basis for Florianópolis to be recognized as a national capital of innovation. For that, it is necessary to improve connectivity in the city, encourage the training and education of professionals and entrepreneurial initiatives. We want to attract more companies to the city and encourage those who come to invest in the Innovation Fund ”, said Gean Loureiro.
Know the main points of the decree:
• Regulation of the Municipal Innovation System (SIM) of Florianópolis, integrating the main actors of the city's innovation ecosystem: City Hall, City Council, higher and technological education institutions, associative entities, technological parks, innovative companies, etc.
• Regulation of the Municipal Innovation Fund (IMF), whose main characteristics are:
· Provide financial support, reimbursable or not, to innovative programs and projects (studies, services, training, events and other activities) of interest to the city.
· Individuals or legal entities, institutions and government agencies can obtain resources.
· Resources will come from transfers from the Federal, State or Municipal Governments, in addition to consortia, agreements and contracts with individuals or companies, under public or private law. The fund may also receive donations from individuals or legal entities.
· At least 20% of IMF resources should be made available for innovative initiatives by micro and small businesses and another 10% should be earmarked for digital inclusion projects.
• Regulation of the Tax Incentive Program for Innovation.
· Allows fundraising from IPTU and ISS taxpayers for innovative projects certified by the program's steering committee.
· Citizens regularly resident in Florianópolis, individual microentrepreneurs (MEI), microenterprises or small companies based in Florianópolis may submit projects to the PII, which are members of an Innovation Promotion Arrangement (API), a mechanism also regulated by the decree.
· Projects must have a duration of up to 2 years and a value of up to 50% of the annual billing limit for classification as a micro-company. That is, in 2017 the maximum value of each project will be R$ 180 thousand, rising to R$ 450 thousand from 2018, according to the new limits set by Complementary Law No. 155 of 2016.
· Taxpayers will be able to assign certified projects up to 20% of the value of their IPTU and their ISS.
• Regulates the Sustainability Plan for the Municipal Executive, which should guide daily practices, improvement projects, and guidelines for choosing suppliers.
• Regulates the Annual Innovation Plan of the Municipal Executive, to generate innovations from the demands of different areas of the public administration of Florianópolis.

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